We’d love to hear from you if you have an item that you think might be perfect for our collections. We’re very grateful for all the offers we receive, as you are helping us preserve and celebrate the history of the local areas.
Every item offered is considered carefully by our Collections team in relation to our collecting policy and existing collections. We will contact you to either accept or decline your offer, but please don’t bring anything into the Museum or send it by post without arranging with us first.
We are collecting objects with a strong connection to the East Shropshire Coalfield, particularly items that:
It is not always possible for us to accept everything offered for the following reasons:
If you are considering offering an item to the collection, please contact the collections team by email or post:
Post: Collections team, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, Coach Road, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire TF8 7DQ
Email via the Get in Touch link on our Collections webpage which you can find here or email collections@ironbridge.org.uk
Please provide the following information in your correspondence: